Android App Reviews

Daily Ab Workout Free

Daily Ab Workout gives you a simple workout of either 5 minutes, 7.5 minutes, or 10 minutes consisting of basic exercises to improve core strength. Each workout contains 10 moves, but the difference is the length of time you do each move. For instance, in the 5 minute workout, each move is 30 seconds, followed by 45 seconds for the 7.5 minute workout and 1 minute each for the 10 minute workout.

This app is very easy to navigate and gives users an explanation and video of each move throughout the whole time you are doing them, in addition to a voice prompt to tell you which exercise is next. What it doesn’t give you, however, is variety. Each workout has exactly the same moves, so it’s likely that this app could become boring very quickly. It can be useful once in awhile if you’re in a crunch for time, but in order to avoid boredom and repetition, you’d have to buy the paid version, assuming that gives you the variety you need. Will this app sculpt your abs the same way that working with a personal trainer would? Probably not, but it may be useful to incorporate into an ongoing workout regimen.





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